Thursday, February 16, 2012

10 Ways to Improve Your Day in Just 5 Minutes

One of the challenges of building a booming business is finding balance. Maybe you have kids who vie for your attention. Maybe you work from home and the disarray of your house makes it difficult for you to focus on business. Maybe your physical discomfort is affecting your mental and emotional focus.

Here are some quick, simple tips to improve your day and make it easier for your to grow your business!

  1. Make your bed. Starting off each day with this small ritual can help create a calm environment for you in your bedroom.
  2. Pack a snack. Before you head out the door in the morning, go into the kitchen and grab a fruit (like a banana, apple or grapes) or a healthy snack (like unsalted nuts or low-fat cheese). This way, when a case of the munchies strikes later in the afternoon, you won't be reaching for a bag of chips or a candy bar from the vending machine out of convenience.
  3. Clear your desk. From stray papers to scattered coffee mugs, clutter can make you lose focus and curb productivity.
  4. Pump up the music. Several studies have found that listening to music can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and boost mood.
  5. Sniff a lemon. For a quick de-stressing trick, turn to an underrated sense -- your sense of smell. Japanese researchers found that linalool; a substance found in lemons, has anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the flight-or-fight stress response.

For tips 6 - 10, check out the full article on WebMD.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Take Fear Captive and Act Boldly

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7.
It is said that fear is the biggest obstacle to success in business: Fear of failure, fear of rejection, and even fear of success. Fear holds a lot of people back from stepping out and starting a business in the first place, and then once in business for ourselves, many of us let fear hold us down and keep us from taking the necessary actions to create boundless success.
Yet, fear is not from God, and it has no place in your business. Don't let your fears take control of you this week! Instead, move boldly and powerfully with what's in front of you and do not be sidelined by fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Have a truly blessed week!